Dog Fouling

Posted: April 14, 2015 in Politics

Here’s a problem that is high on everyone’s gripe list, but at the same time, it appears to be an insoluble problem. There was a report recently in our local press of a man being fined £75 for not clearing up after his dog. This was only pursued after a neighbour had filmed the incident, it’s still a far cry from the threatened £500 that the warning signs promise. If people get found out, they must face the full penalty, otherwise, where’s the risk?


In 2016 all dogs will by law have to be chipped. Here is an opportunity to take DNA samples from each dog and record it against the chip data. The next step is to invest in dog wardens who can respond to complaints about dog fouling and (initially at least) clean up the mess but also take a DNA sample from it. Match the poo to the chip and prosecute the owner. A hefty fine would then fund the dog wardens. Notices on lamp posts aren’t doing the job, this issue needs to be policed, and my suggestion is a starting point for discussion.

Since I posted this, it has been reported that Daventry District Council are trying something else:-

Personally, I don’t think this will work. Near where I live there is a popular walk around a small lake which used to have bins for dog mess, they were barely used so were taken away to try to force people to take their dogs doings home. It didn’t work. Some people are bagging poo, but then leave the bags were the bins used to be or they’ll hang them on the branches of bushes waiting for the “Poo Fairy”, she hasn’t shown up yet.

A radical solution is required – lets have some ideas.

Referendum – why wait?

Posted: June 25, 2014 in Politics

David Cameron has now been presented with the EU manifesto for the next 5 years. There is no mention of renegotiation of terms for UK membership. Indeed, the Polish Foreign Minister has used some fairly blunt language to rubbish both Cameron’s aims and methods. On top of this, the process of appointing a new Commission President is exercising his intellect to the limit. He is desperate to avoid Jean-Claude Juncker getting the post, as he knows he won’t be able to keep the lid on the EU’s ambition to create a Federal European State, and is passionate about it.

For Cameron, having fought tooth and nail to avoid an “in/out” referendum, he’s now being quoted as saying Juncker’s appointment could signal the exit for the UK. It sounds like a tantrum to me, as I can’t believe he’s changed his position after all this time. The people of the United Kingdom deserve to be consulted over the way forward and just what kind of relationship we have with the EU.

The Lib Dems are almost honourable in sticking to their position of “the party of IN”, even though it isn’t popular. I say almost because they are cracking on the referendum issue.

Both Labour & Tory’s are also “Parties of IN”, but are prepared to shift their positions to get elected, when, they’ll feel safe to resume normal service, i.e. trample all over us. As an aside here, Tony Blair recently “advised” Ed Miliband not to offer a referendum, his reason? It will only confuse our supporters!
How patronising, how insulting, how contemptuous.

UKIP have always pushed for a referendum, we are long overdue for a review of our relationship with the EU. If we are to become a mere province in some new Superstate, we should be asked, and what would successive generations think of our decision? The sovereignty of a nation lies with its people not its government. It is for us to say how we engage with the rest of the world.
Of course, we may not win it, but the people will have been consulted.

A word of warning though, if the UK votes to stay in, the journey to full Federalism will pick up speed and we will be bounced into the Euro. QMV, (the end of national veto’s), kicks in on 1st Nov, and then the fun will really start.

So whether you believe we should be in or out, it would be bizarre to oppose a referendum, let’s get this matter settled one way or the other. There’s no justifiable reason to delay now.

So who gets to vote

Posted: March 7, 2014 in Politics
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The actor Brian Cox recently presented a report on the “nuts & bolts” of the impending Scottish Independence referendum. The most surprising fact to emerge was that, if you’re a Scot but are not domiciled there, you don’t get a say. If you’re not a Scot, and are domiciled there, you do.

So, theoretically, the future of Scotland could be decided by non-Scots.

Baring this in mind, it might be worth keeping an eye on the developing terms and conditions of our own alleged EU “In / Out” referendum. Whilst it is perfectly in order for EU nationals to vote in the Euro elections wherever they happen to be, when it comes to the future of the United…ish Kingdom, it should be UK citizens only, (whether by birth or naturalisation), that make that decision.

This referendum is the most important and fundamental decision this country will take since 1939 and the outcome will be just as monumental which ever way it goes. The worrying thing is, we do not have the political leadership to guide us through, what we do have though is partisan self interest.

David Cameron is pretending he can renegotiate our terms of membership. He’s not stupid. It is a ploy to win over those of us with little political interest who just want this issue to go away.

Ed Miliband would rather not make any decision at all. Prevarication is all we’ll get from him until after the Euro elections. He will then make it “perfectly clear” that he was / was not in favour of one all along.

Nick Clegg went into the 2010 election desperate to have a full on debate and referendum on Europe, (see leaflet). Now though, he says there should be neither and as the leader of the “Party of Europe”, he knows what’s best for us.

The LibLabCon would rather the EU gravy train went thundering on into the distance. It has been UKIP’s mission for twenty years to apply the brakes to this juggernaut. The political landscape in the UK is beginning to shift as more and more people are realising where this project is going.

There will be a referendum, though whether it’ll be on David Cameron’s time scale remains to be seen. No further transfer of competences will be undertaken without one, and the first stirrings on a new treaty are already being detected. By the time this hits the table, there will be no hiding place for our National Leaders as they are currently the only ones in Europe not openly talking about a Federalised Superstate.

So, you would think an early referendum would be in the LibLabCon’s interest, yet there is no common ground between them.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if, in this deepening vacuum the European Elections turned out to be a referendum dry run?

Contemptuous Lords pt2

Posted: January 27, 2014 in Politics

So, after a days wrangling, two amendments to the Referendum Bill have been passed.

The first regarding the phrasing of the question should be an issue to be discussed after the Bill passes, ( the problem here is, how the answer will be interpreted).
The second regarding the impact assessment, is the reddest herring I’ve ever seen. The facts of this will be determined on the prejudice of those conducting it and who at the same time will be on an extremely short leash.

The only consideration for the referendum is, do we the people want an independent United Kingdom or do we want to be part of a Federal European Union complete with Euro membership? Keep focused on this.

An exit will not be without its problems but freedom has to be fought for and then defended. Too many people have forgotten that.Vote UKIP at every

opportunity to keep the pressure on, no one will listen unless they’re under threat.

Lords democratic deficit

Posted: January 26, 2014 in Politics

It would seem that Labour Peers are doing their party’s dirty work by sabotaging the EU referendum bill by introducing scores of frivolous amendments whose sole purpose is to “talk it out”. The issue of the UK’s relationship with the European Union needs to be settled once and for all. So why is the unelected House of Lords determined to deny us a say in our future?

All three LibLabCon leaders are against withdrawing from the EU, yet none of them have ever had a vote on membership. Indeed, anyone under 58 has never been asked. Bit by bit, the last 40 years has seen the sovereignty of this country eroded with barely a murmur. The EU of today is a far cry from what we joined, (and don’t forget, we didn’t vote to join but to stay in. It took 2 years of rebellion to get that referendum). Far too few people in this country pay attention as to how they are governed, only now, with the tsunami of immigration that’s been hitting us in the last ten years are they taking notice, and sadly, this is the wrong reason. It must be an un-nerving time for those already established.

The issue is, who governs us?

We no longer have sole control over our law making; the people we vote into Westminster are having less and less to do save for rubber stamping diktats from the EU, and much of that from the unelected commission.

Neither Viviane Reding, (commissioner for Justice) nor Manuel Barosso, (President of the European Commission) make no secret of where this gargantuan bureaucracy is going – a fully fledged Federal State. This in turn would render National Governments to the level of “local authorities”. If a referendum ever did come to pass, it’s already looking like a vote to stay in would be a vote to join the Euro. There would be no second referendum on that, so it’s important we get this right, and make no mistake, it’s going to be a tough call.

So, which will it be – Federalism or Independence?

Paragraph 5 of the above directive says this:-

(5) – The right of all Union citizens to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States should, if it is to be exercised under objective conditions of freedom and dignity, be also granted to their family members, irrespective of nationality. For the purposes of this Directive, the definition of “family member” should also include the registered partner if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnership as equivalent to marriage.

The idea of “free movement of labour” sounds like a good idea, and maybe it is between economies which have some kind of equivalence. What’s happening now though is that those poorer economies of Eastern Europe are losing their working populations to those that have higher minimum wage rates. £6.45 isn’t much for those whose lives have been spent in this country, but to someone who struggles on 78p or 80p an hour, (Romania / Bulgaria), it’s an absolute fortune. Couple that with easy social housing free health care and a benefit system you don’t have to contribute to first, why wouldn’t you make the trip to the land of milk & honey. The blame for this fiasco lies squarely with the governments this country has had for the last 40 years or more. None have been prepared to rock the boat with their EU masters, for that is what they are. There will be no meaningful “renegotiation” from within this spiders web, they already have us, they will not let go. They may give Cameron a pseudo negotiation to give the appearance of success, but it will be smoke & mirrors, don’t be fooled. The only way is out at any cost, then negotiate a working relationship as a trading partner like Norway and Switzerland, a common market if you like, which is what we were told it was going to be. We were lied to and will be again.

The Scottish independence referendum is in 2014, but if there is a vote for Scotland to leave the Union the country will still not become fully independent until 2016.

Will people in Scotland be allowed to vote in the 2015 UK general election? If so, then will all Scottish MPs and members of the House of Lords be kicked out of Westminster the day Scotland gets its full independence?

This takes the “West Lothian” question to a whole new level. Originally, that question posed the anomaly that Scottish MP’s being able to vote in Westminster on topics only relevant to England only. So, will members of one country’s parliament be able to pass laws in another? My guess is that the Scottish MP;s will have to leave, but in the meantime, they will have affected the outcome and shape of the Westminster assembly which shortly after will not be representative. Since the sitting government will then most likely be in the minority, we can expect a second General election within 2 years.

Judging by today’s reaction to Alex Salmonds white paper, this is likely to remain just a theory.

Aside  —  Posted: November 26, 2013 in Politics

January 1st is almost upon us.

So, how many people are still unaware of the significance of this date?

It’s when a second wave of East Europeans gain unfettered access to the UK along with rights to claim a National Insurance number entitling them to the full benefits of the NHS, unemployment payments, family allowance and social housing. This last point shines a light on the reason behind the so called “Bedroom Tax”. It’s to make room for these extra “EU citizens”.

EU citizens? – see here:

It’s worth remembering that when the first wave of immigrants were allowed in, (January 2004), the government of the day tried to calm concern by claiming “only about 13,000/ annum, would come”. Last week, Jack Straw, who was Home Secretary at the time, regretted Labour’s decision not to impose temporary restrictions to control the flow which is what all but 3 of the other EU states did. Mr. Straw acknowledges that about 1 million people actually arrived. No wonder our welfare state is groaning. It’s having to cope with a massive increase in its burden from those who have made no contributions to it yet are able to claim full benefits from it. Is that fair?

It’s about to happen again, but anyone who complains about it are automatically branded a racist. Is it racism to be concerned for the future of our country? The accusation is purely to close down any argument because those responsible have no answer.

Sure, Britons have the right to go to Poland, Lithuania, and soon Romania and Bulgaria to find work; do you know anyone who’s done it? No, me neither.

UKIP’s opponents like to portray us as a “single issue pressure group”, always banging on about Europe. Whilst in the beginning, that was true, it’s been some time since it is not. The main thrust of this letter is to show how the EU really is dominating our everyday lives.

UKIP are rapidly becoming the Party of the People. Support us, join us, someone has to stop this madness.


So close but no cigar

Posted: May 4, 2013 in Politics

On a personal note, I didn’t quite make it, but as a party result, it was brilliant.

David Anthony Gunn (UKIP) – 738
Lorraine Karen Johnson (Liberal Democrat) – 162
Charles Jones (Conservative) – 845
Mike Lacey (Independent) – 311
Kath Lauro (Labour) – 985

One of the most striking things about this campaign was the number of Labour supporters that came out for us. several press reports are now commenting on this.

Those of us on the ground campaigning picked up on this some time ago, and it’s encouraging that former Labour supporters are beginning to think for themselves. It’s this that will change modern politics.
Non of the main parties now has a “Natural base”. Everyone is starting to focus on the issues rather than tribe or personality.

UKIP are making hay just now because the LibLabCon are still “Off message” with regard to the electorate. We won’t always have it our way, but during this transitional time we should gain enough experience to play in the Premiership.

I speak as one of the casualties left on the beach on Thursday, but as a force, UKIP now has a bridgehead. Others will follow, we cannot now be ignored, the gratuitous insults worked in our favour this time, but beware.

Well done to all our successful candidates.

UKIP can be King Makers

Posted: April 23, 2013 in Politics

The hot topic today seems once again to be, “UKIP can’t win, so why vote for them”?

So how about this as a response?

You don’t have to win a majority to be King Makers. The party who holds the fulcrum, influences the direction of travel. That is, if there are two people on a see saw with a third standing in the centre, it is the third person who controls which end is up. So under no circumstances vote tactically to keep someone out. Vote for what you believe in, hopefully it will be UKIP, for this will most definitely not be a wasted vote.
The definition of a wasted vote is to support something you don’t agree with.

It’s time for real change, vote for it